STF Computer Labs

The computer lab replacement portion of the Student Technology Fee (STF) is to fund student computer labs on a scheduled replacement cycle.

The STF funds computer lab computers that meet the following criteria:

  • Computers that are dedicated to general-purpose computing.
  • Computers that support computer labs, such as those controlling printing or monitoring of computer lab-usage statistics.

The level of STF lab-replacement funding is limited to the amount necessary to provide university-standard PC or MAC workstations. Devices in standard configurations may be purchased at the Dell and Apple stores through the Western Marketplace.

Students must not be charged course or lab fees for the use of computers purchased with the Student Technology Fee.

However, STF funding can be applied to computer labs where course/lab fees are used for the licensing of applications above and beyond Western’s enterprise software suite, or to support specialized hardware requirements that are beyond the university standard.

For the current STF funding cycle (AY 2023-2026):

  • The fee allocation for computer lab upgrades is $13.29 (based on $35 fee).
  • Computer labs are on a four-year refresh cycle.
  • The STF requires that all STF-funded labs run the LabStats software to monitor the utilization of lab workstations. The STF covers the central licensing of LabStats.
  • In AY 2019, Academic Technology & User Services (ATUS) conducted a comprehensive computer lab survey. Pending thorough analysis of lab use, the labs funded by the STF changed after 2019.
  • ATUS conducts annual reviews of computer lab and laptop use, revising the capacity of these resources to fit demonstrated need. The frequency of replacement also is adjusted in order to meet target expenses each year. 
  • Any further recommended changes in lab funding—before the STF renewal vote by students in spring 2026—would require approval of the STF Advisory Committee and the AS Senate.
Four students working in a computer lab, with one student reading from on a desktop monitor."