Tech Initiatives

I. Tech Initiatives Timeline
   (Academic Year 2024)

Dates subject to change

Phase One: September 2023 - February 2024
Date Items Due


STF Tech Initiatives Committee Co-Chairs hold initial meeting.

Nov 16

All students and employees receive an email regarding the annual Student Technology Fee (STF) and requesting Tech Initiatives abstracts.

Jan 12

Due to STF Tech Initiatives Committee: one-page Tech Initiatives abstracts from employees.

Jan 19

Due to STF Tech Initiatives Committee: one-page Tech Initiatives abstracts from students.

Jan 22-
Feb 20

STF Tech initiatives Committee reviews abstracts received by the two deadlines; selects abstracts to continue to Phase Two.

Feb 21

STF Tech Initiatives Committee invites (by email) selected abstract applicants to submit proposals (and notifies applicants that were not invited).

Phase Two: March-May 2024
Date Items Due

Feb 28
or 29

(Date/time to be determined.) STF Proposal Workshop for abstract applicants invited to submit proposals.

Mar 22

Due to Associated Students (AS) Senate President for prioritizing: Tech Initiatives proposals from students. Moved deadline to March 22 (had been March 31), which is before the start of spring break.

Mar 22

Due to STF Tech Initiatives Committee: all prioritized Tech Initiatives proposals from employees. Moved deadline to March 22 (had been March 31), which is before the start of spring break.
Note: Colleges and divisions must have earlier deadlines for internal priority-setting processes.

Apr 1

STF Tech Initiatives Committee shares Tech Initiatives proposals with Academic Technology Committee (ATC) for ATC review.

Apr 2

STF Tech Initiatives Committee invites the Western community (via various student and employee communications) to comment on Tech Initiatives proposals. (Tech initiatives are posted on this STF website to facilitate review and comment.)

Apr 1 - 
May 15

STF Tech Initiatives Committee reviews Tech Initiatives proposals (to include site visits as needed); reviews ATC and Western community comments; and develops and votes on recommendations.

May 1

Due to STF Tech Initiatives Committee: ATC and Western community comments on Tech Initiatives proposals.

May 15

STF Tech Initiatives Committee sends Tech Initiatives project recommendations to AS Senate.


AS Senate and Western President approve recommendations.

May 30
Award recipients receive award memos via email. (Applicants not receiving awards also receive emails.)

Jun 1

Tech Initiatives project awards are announced. The list of awarded projects is posted on this STF website.

II. Tech Initiatives Instructions and Forms
    (AY 2024)

General Instructions / References

  • Tech Initiatives Proposal Process AY 2024 - For Employees (under development)
  • Tech Initiatives Proposal Process AY 2024 - For Students (under development)
  • STF Tech Initiatives Proposal Guidelines (reviewed September 2022)

Form for Phase One: Abstracts

Form For Phase Two: Proposals

III. Submitted Tech Initiatives Proposals
     (AY 2024)

Proposals are available below for review by the Western community (students and employees). Your input matters! Please send your comments by May 3 to the STF Tech Initiatives Committee at Thank you! 

Proposal Title College/Unit
1 Life Cycle Assessment Database and Software $9,805 CENV /
Inst for Energy Studies
2 Clinic Equipment to Enhance Student Clinical Experience in Balance Testing, Hearing Aids, and Instrumentation $85,204 CHSS / CSD
(college 1st priority)

Expanding Access to Social Science Research Opportunities and Data Analysis Training $17,586

-  Lab Plans Layout           

CHSS / Sociology
(college 2nd priority)                     
4 Ray Gun Research Experiences for Undergraduates: How an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometer Can Integrate (and Expand Access to) Cutting-Edge Technologies in Teaching and Research $60,799 CHSS / Anthropology
(college 3rd priority)
5 Signal Processing Modules for Physics Junior Labs $21,894 CSE /
Physics & Astronomy

Loan Pool Mirrorless Cameras $34,421

-  Supporting Comments

-  Loan Pool Cameras Inventory

-  Camera Checkout Stats

Non-College /

Expanding Research Capabilities and Class Accessibility through True-Color Camera Application for the Laser-Scanning Fluorescent Confocal Microscope $11,626

-  Utilization Table

Non-College / SciTech

Increase Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) Instrumentation Data Analysis Capabilities with Spectral Libraries $7,527

-  Budget Spreadsheet

-  Class Use Table

Non-College / SciTech

Student MacBook Pro Funding to Enhance Design-Film-Industrial Design Capabilities $21,504

-  Additional Questions

Student proposal

IV. Approved Tech Initiatives Projects
     (AY 2024)

A total of $214,066 was awarded for seven new projects.
Congratulations to the applicants and their colleges/units,
and congratulations to the students who will benefit from these projects! 

Project Title Award

Life Cycle Assessment Database and Software

(CENV priority 1. Full funding.)


Clinic Equipment to Enhance Student Clinical Experience in Balance Testing, Hearing Aids, and Instrumentation

(CHSS priority 1. Full funding.)


Ray Gun Research Experiences for Undergraduates: How an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometer Can Integrate (and Expand Access to) Cutting-Edge Technologies in Teaching and Research

(CHSS priority 3. Full funding after $5,000 contribution.)


Signal Processing Modules for Physics Junior Labs

(CSE priority 1. Full funding after $3,000 contribution.)


Loan Pool Mirrorless Cameras

(Non-College, ATUS project. Partial funding after $1,000 contribution. Five complete camera kits instead of the ten requested.)


Expanding Research Capabilities and Class Accessibility through True-Color Camera Application for the Laser-Scanning Fluorescent Confocal Microscope

[Non-College, Scientific Technical Services (SciTech) project. Full funding.]


Increase Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) Instrumentation Data Analysis Capabilities with Spectral Libraries

[Non-College, Scientific Technical Services (SciTech) project. Full funding after $500 contribution.]


Go to the STF History: Tech Initiatives and Projects page to see projects and Tech Initiatives funded in previous years.