Welcome to ITS!
The Vice Provost for Information Technology (VPIT) serves as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Western and manages these central departments in Information Technology Services (ITS):
- Academic Technology & User Services (ATUS) - ATUS is the face of information technology at Western, providing desktop services and support for teaching and learning.
- Enterprise Application Services (EAS) - EAS is responsible for the implementation, maintenance and evolution of Western's enterprise applications.
- Enterprise Infrastructure Services (EIS) - EIS provides the underlying infrastructure and core information technology services for the university.
- IT Security Office - The IT Security Office plays a unique role and critical role in serving Western's increasing cyber security needs.
Did you know?
Information Technology Services:
- Provides 250+ workshops and presentations to faculty, staff and students annually.
- Supports 1.2 million emails a week.
- Supports more than 10,000 wireless devices and 7,000 wired devices simultaneously connected to our networks every day.
- Averages more than 4 gigabits per second of data flowing to and from our campus.
- Maintains more than 12 miles of copper and fiber optic cable in 125 buildings and 3 miles of underground tunnels across campus.
- Provides 1,793 pieces of technology available for loan.
The VPIT/CIO works with all areas of the university to coordinate technology planning and implementation.
Furthermore, the VPIT/CIO initiates programs that maintain Western's top ranking in technological applications and in the use of emerging technologies.
This position also represents Western with both the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium and the Washington Higher Education Technology Consortium.
Chuck Lanham

Vice Provost for Information Technology/CIO