Frequently Asked Questions
How much is the Student Technology Fee?
- $35 per quarter for students taking 6+ credits*
- $17.50 per quarter for students taking 1-5 credits*
- Effective academic years 2023-2026
* The Fee is applied based on Fee-paying courses. For a detailed explanation of Fee application, See Fee Receipts section of the Student Technology Fee Operational Guidelines.
What are students getting with the current fee?
- $13.29 for computer lab renewal and replacement
- $ 7.59 for networking renewal and replacement
- $ 5.86 for the Student Technology Center
- $ 4.35 for Tech Initiatives (STF proposals)
- $ 2.35 for the Digital Media Center (DMC)
- $ 0.98 for a print quota
- $ 0.58 for the Information Security Office (for a student employee)
Do other state universities have a Student Technology Fee?
University | Fee |
Central Washington University | $30 per quarter |
Eastern Washington University | $40 per quarter |
The Evergreen State College | no fee |
University of Washington | $81 annual fee: Seattle campus $126 annual fee: Bothell campus $132 annual fee: Tacoma campus |
Washington State University | $20 per semester Pullman and Vancouver campuses only; at Pullman, only undergrads pay the fee. |
Western Washington University | $35 per quarter (with 6+credits); $17.50 per quarter (with 1-5 credits) |
How are Student Technology Fee proposals submitted?
Student Technology Fee proposals are called "Tech Initiatives." Anyone—students, faculty, staff—can submit a two-page abstract of a proposal idea to the STF Tech Initiatives Committee. The Committee then 1) chooses abstracts for which it would like to see more information, and 2) invites those abstract applicants to submit proposals. This two-stage process is meant to encourage more students to submit their technology ideas. See Tech Initiatives Instructions and Forms.
Does the Student Technology Fee pay for printing in computer labs?
The STF pays for a print quota for printing in General University computer labs—up to $2.50 per quarter—for every full-time student. (Black & White prints are $0.05 per side; color prints are $0.25.)
In recent years, students have been printing less, saving STF expenses and allowing the Fee to cover more of the total cost of printing. Starting in FY 2024, the scope of the Print Quota allocation has increased to include printing-related equipment and materials for General University labs, which more accurately reflects the cost of printing. These costs include:
- Supplies (e.g., paper and toner).
- Printer-related software (Pcounter maintenance/licensing).
- Equipment (printers).
The STF does not pay for labor costs associated with stocking and repairing printers.
For printing instructions, go to Print, Scan & Copy on the ATUS website.
Where are the General University computer labs?
There are six General University computer labs on campus:
- North Campus: Fine Arts (FI), Haggard Hall (HH), and Miller Hall (MH)
- South Campus: Academic Instructional Center West (AW), Arntzen Hall (AH), and Communications Facility (CF)
Room locations of computer labs
See General University Computer Labs on Western's Campus Map.
(Click "Layer Selector," then choose "Computer Labs.")
What technology has the Student Technology Fee brought to the Western campus?
Here are just a few of the technology acquisitions that have enhanced students' learning over the years:
- Makerspace technology (most recently, the Engineering Makerspace and the Art Annex STEAM Center)
- 3D and specialty printers
- Graphing calculators
- Networking renewal, including Wi-Fi upgrades
- Digital cinema production equipment
- Digital textbooks
- Wireless laptop loan program
- Computers for General University and department labs
- Recording studio and upgrades
- Writing Center enhancements
- Small unmanned aircraft systems
- Cart robot with vision system
- GPS devices
- iPads
- CO2 laser
- SLR cameras and video equipment
- Sound and lighting equipment
- Microscopes
For a complete list of projects back to 1996, see STF History: Tech Initiatives and Projects.
Does the Student Technology Fee pay for University IT salaries?
Student Technology Fee guidelines do not permit paying any permanent salaries. However, the STF does pay for some student employee wages in the Student Technology Center (STC) and the Information Security Office (ISO).
What else does the Student Technology Fee not pay for?
- Buildings
- Ongoing supply costs for funded Tech Initiatives
- Maintenance for funded Tech Initiatives
- Residence hall computer lab equipment and supplies
- Bandwidth for residence halls
- ResTek staffing
Who decides that students pay a Student Technology Fee?
Students decide! The Associated Students of Western Washington University periodically asks students to vote on a student technology fee, including the amount and uses of the fee. The AS Senate and University President must then approve the fee. A Student Technology Fee and Fee allocation were last voted on and approved in spring 2022.
How can I help decide how to spend the Student Technology Fee?
If you're a Western student:
- Volunteer to serve on the Student Technology Fee Tech Initiatives Committee.
(Three student-at-large positions are open every fall. Apply through Associated Students if you're interested!) - Submit a Tech Initiatives abstract of a project idea.
(See STF Tech Initiatives for due date, abstract form, and instructions.) - If invited to by the STF Tech Initiatives Committee, submit a full proposal.
- Review the accepted Tech Initiatives proposals and submit your comments.
(Proposals are posted on this website during spring quarter for comments from the campus community.) - Vote in Associated Students elections when a Student Technology Fee is proposed.
If you're a Western faculty or staff member:
- Volunteer to serve on the Student Technology Fee Tech Initiatives Committee.
[Two positions are available: Academic Technology Committee (ATC) faculty representative, and Faculty Senate at-large representative.] - Submit a Tech Initiatives abstract of a project idea.
(See STF Tech Initiatives for due date, abstract form, and instructions.) - If invited to by the STF Tech Initiatives Committee, submit a full proposal.
- Review the accepted Tech Initiatives proposals and submit your comments.
(Proposals are posted on this website during spring quarter for comments from the campus community.)
Does the University contribute to the Student Technology Fee?
No, the University does not contribute to the Student Technology Fee. However, the fund may be supplemented on an individual project basis through matching funds from college departments or other grants.